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Visit BrainMap: A Functional Neuroimaging Database Popular site    Last Update 2005/12/15 0:40
Category  Databases
BrainMap is an online database of published functional neuroimaging experiments with coordinate-based (Talairach) activation locations. The goal of BrainMap is to provide a vehicle to share methods and results of brain functional imaging studies. It is a tool to rapidly retrieve and understand studies in specific research domains, such as language, memory, attention, reasoning, emotion, and perception, and to perform meta-analyses of like studies.

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The SfN Neuroscience Database Gateway

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Visit Popular site    rss Last Update 2005/12/15 0:47
Category  Databases
Description is an interactive high-resolution digital brain atlas and virtual microscope that is based on scanned images of serial sections of both primate and non-primate brains and that is integrated with a high-speed database for querying and retrieving data about brain structure and function over the internet.

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The SfN Neuroscience Database Gateway

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Visit Human Brain Project Database (HBPDB) Popular site    Last Update 2005/12/14 17:09
Category  Databases
Human Brain Project Database is designed to assist the user in accessing the information contained in the current projects and other similar projects on the web. It provides not only simple lists of the different projects, but also advanced tools for complex searches that will enable the user to identify and extract different types of data distributed within the different projects.

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Visit KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Popular site    rss Last Update 2005/12/15 0:56
Category  Databases
A grand challenge in the post-genomic era is a complete computer representation of the cell, the organism, and the biosphere, which will enable computational prediction of higher-level complexity of cellular processes and organism behaviors from genomic and chemical information. Towards this end we have been developing a bioinformatics resource named KEGG, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, as part of the research projects in the Kanehisa Laboratory of Kyoto University Bioinformatics Center.

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Visit Reactome - a curated knowledgebase of biological pathways Popular site    rss Last Update 2005/12/15 1:00
Category  Databases
Reactome is a curated database of biological processes in humans. It covers biological pathways ranging from the basic processes of metabolism to high-level processes such as hormonal signalling. While Reactome is targeted at human pathways, it also includes many individual biochemical reactions from non-human systems such as rat, mouse, fugu fish and zebra fish. This makes the database relevant to the large number of researchers who work on model organisms. All the information in Reactome is backed up by its provenance: either a literature citation or an electronic inference based on sequence similarity. Our ontology ensures that the various events are linked in an appropriate spatial and temporal context.

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