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Equation stops athletes sweating about fluid intake  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-7-11 2:08) 
The exact volume produced during long periods of exercise can be predicted, potentially lightening the load of people carrying water during lengthy exercise
Rival designs race to harness ocean energy  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-7-11 1:50) 
The world's oceans and seas hold an awesome amount of power, but effective ways to harness it have proved elusive– until now
California: No longer the Golden State?  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-7-10 23:31) 
The US state is in a fiscal hole, and without a radical overhaul of its constitution, the world may lose a unique cradle of innovation, says Peter Aldhous
Embryo origami gives the turtle its shell  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-7-10 23:05) 
The way the body wall of the growing embryo folds inwards helps to explain how the reptiles achieve their unique body shape
This week's top stories [10 July 2009]  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-7-10 22:00) 
Our top articles ranked by reader popularity. Cosmic 'whips' may have left their mark Fellow students smell your exam fear Review: Sex in shades of grey 'Hippy' monkey is a killer when starved of sex Call for tolerance towards some 'stem cell tourism' Emotional robots: Will we love them or hate them? Ancient supernova is oldest and most distant found 'Greedy' trees still leave room for the little plants Revealed: How pandemic swine flu kills Watching whales sure beats killing them
Apollo special: It's the solar system, stupid  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-7-10 20:55) 
Rocks brought home by Apollo astronauts revolutionised our thinking about Earth and its peers, says Dana Mackenzie
[ニュース] JAXA、H-IIBロケットの地上総合試験(GTV)について説明〜打上げ予定日も9月11日に決定、いきなり  from Robot Watch  (2009-7-10 18:56) 

Military mega-lasers are too hot to handle  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-7-10 18:43) 
High-energy laser weapons have been hailed as the future of anti-missile defence, but they may be further from being battle-ready than military chiefs hoped
[ニュース] 栃木県塩原温泉で「第48回日本SF大会」開催〜HRP-4Cの開発者が参加した企画も実施  from Robot Watch  (2009-7-10 18:34) 

Liver cells could be reprogrammed as insulin factories  from New Scientist - Online News  (2009-7-10 18:11) 
Transforming human liver cells into something like the pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin could result in a one-off treatment for diabetes

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