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訪問 Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach 人気サイト    rss 最終更新日 2006-7-25 15:22
カテゴリ  研究業績
The article entitled "Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach" was published in RASeNews, the IEEE Robotics and Automation email newsletter on June 14, 2006.

Mihoko Otake and Keiko Homma, Women in Robotics for Communication and Outreach, RASeNews, the IEEE Robotics and Automation email newsletter, June 14, 2006.

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Final Call:RAS AdCom Recommendations/Petitions Due July 1 (2008-6-24 8:00)
Although the deadline for submission of Petitions for RAS AdCom candidacy wasJune 1, a one time extension is being granted.All recommendations for nominees for RAS Adcom must be submitted to the RASadministrator (r.g.snyder@ieee.org) by July 1, 2008.Petitions with at least 121 qualified signatures will guarantee placement on theballot. Petitions with 25 valid signatures will be considered for candidacy.IEEE member numbers must accompany each signature. No recommendations orpetitions received after July 1 will be considered.
New RAS TC on Marine Robotics and Robot Learning (2008-6-9 8:00)
The Robotics and Automation Society AdCom has aproved two new Technical Committee (TC). Organizers of the Marine Robotics TC include Gianluca Antonelli, antonelli@unicas.it corresponding a ...
New RAS TC on Marine Robotics (2008-6-9 8:00)
The Robotics and Automation Society AdCom has aproved a new Technical Committee (TC) on Marine Robotics. Organizers include Gianluca Antonelli,Andrew Bennett,Hayato Kondo,Giacomo Marani,Richard Ri ...
TheRASOR Makes the Scene at ICRA2008 Student Party (2008-5-28 8:00)
ICRA2008 in Pasadena,California featured a Student Party (oldies didn't get free drink tickets) withentertainment by the now legendary international rock band, RASOR! -- Robotics AndAutomation ...
The New Golden Age of Robotics (2008-4-5 8:00)
In a wide ranging interview with the University of Twente News, IEEE Robotics and Automation Editor Stefano Stramigioli describes the current realities and future opportunities for robotics_____ ...
RAS 2008 New Initiative Proposals Due Friday February 15 (2008-2-11 8:00)
Proposals for 2008 RAS Initiative Grants must be received by the RAS Administrator by Friday, February 15.As a result of a new IEEE policy established in 2007, the Robotics and Automation Society ...
"IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine"Debuts (2008-1-29 8:00)
IEEE Women in Engineering (IEEE WIE) Magazine, a new publication that will be issued twice a year to IEEE WIE members, has launched its premiere issue. The publication, sent as an interactive PDF ...
Call for Nominations: IEEE and RAS Society Awards (2008-1-14 8:00)
Nominations for the the following IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Awards are due March 1. RAS Chapter of the Year Award RAS Most Active Technical Committee Award RAS Most Active Distin ...
CFP: Scientific Workflow Management and Applications (2007-12-4 8:00)
Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Call for Papers Scientific workflow is a new special type of workflow that often underlies many large-scale comple ...
IEEE TFA and Fellows Nominations (2007-12-4 8:00)
Nominations for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Field Award, the most prestigious award offered by the IEEE in this area, are due January 31, 2008 . For nominations information see: http://ww ...

Copyright (C) 2006-, Mihoko Otake. All right reserved.